Development - 2nd Rumination

it is late morning on February 15th... much has been completed this winter, and while there's not a lot to show, there is plenty to tell... mainly, it has been quite a journey to learn the Ren'Py engine and what it is capable of; and even though the "Py" in Ren'Py stands for Python, there's so much you can achieve in it without knowing the first thing about Python or any other programming language... making the artwork, soundtrack, and GUI and writing the story are all time consuming, of course, but the hardest part of this game was always going to be the coding... and it turns out that the coding isn't as much of a daunting challenge as it originally seemed... that is very good news...

thanks to that, two full scenes with dialogue choices, animated backgrounds and character art, and character movement and transitions have already been coded and are working as intended, which means the only thing holding back the rest of the scenes from being completed is all the artwork they require...

since the last update 87 days ago, two songs from the soundtrack have been completed, with the main theme being shared on the quite adept youtube channel recently, please give that a listen... some background art is also out of the way, and two more character portraits are fully pixeled... so things are coming along nicely, take a look at the attached screenshot and see for yourself... also, an official wiki is in the works and will release alongside the game, and should be a great resource for those who want to get the full experience from the story and setting of Dungeon of Departure... of course, there is still much to do...

Here's where we're at so far:

  • Characters - 2 of 3 main characters pixeled, animated, and coded (Akari & Keiva) - 4 of 7 side characters pixeled
  • Artwork - 11 of ? background artwork created - logo completed - GUI artwork about 70% complete
  • Music - 23 of 30+ tracks completed
  • Dialogue - 15,621 words written out of expected 80,000 words across all story paths
  • Overall - at this point, the game is approximately 29% complete

that's all for this episode... please take care of your self... - quite adept

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